Ersatztour Niwen statt Hockenhorn

Alternative Skitour to Niwen

Due to high avalanche risk, we adjusted our original plan for Hockenhorn and opted for a safer alternative tour to Niwen. Our group—Franziska, Tia, Pavlo, Luca (tourguide), Sebi, Michelé, A., and Johanna—start from Gampel, taking the lift to Jeizinen.

Led by our guide Luca, we began our ascent at 8:30, skitouring following a snowshoe track under clear sky. The snow was slightly icy, and with ski crampons on, we enjoyed a steady flow as we skitoured through the forest

At 1,700 meters, Luca demonstrated inversion turns, supporting everyone to improve their technique. We took a short 20-minute break at 2,000 meters. As we comtinued along the Niwen ridge. Moving together in a single line, we safely reached the summit, where we enjoyed the scenary views— of Mont Blanc to Weissmies—on a sunny, clear day.

The descent offered good snow conditions, making for an enjoyable ski ride. We wrapped up our tour with a drink at a mountain hut, celebrating a beautiful day in the alps.

Tourenleitung Luca
Bericht A.
Fotos Alle
Teilnehmende Franziska, Tia, Pavlo, Sebi
  Michelé, Johanna, A.,